Hotels in Washington That are Really Haunted

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There is a bloody legend at the IvyWild Inn. It is believed that a man once murdered his wife's lover after catching the two of them in an embrace. The husband killed the man on the stairs and it is believed that you can still hear footsteps on those very stairs. Some visitors claim to have seen blood stains sporadically appear on the staircase. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Much of the building's history is unknown, but ever since Halloween of 1988, paranormal activity has become a normality. The 15th floor is the source of majority of the eerie noises and spectral shadows. Employees and guests believe the floor is haunted by the ghost of a man who committed suicide in his room. Other ghost enthusiasts believe Halloween festivities awoke sleeping spirits... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This spa resort houses the restless spirits of a husband and wife. Isadore St. Martin, who built the original resort (called hotel St. Martin), was murdered on the property. It is believed that his wife, Margaret died of a broken heart shortly after his death. The ghost of Margaret is more likely than her husband to appear before guests. She is often spotted or heard in the lobby and in... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Davenport Hotel and Tower is famous for its celebrity guests and famous ghosts. Guests of the hotel believe they have witnessed the ghost of Ellen McNamara, a woman who died in 1920 when she fell through a skylight. It is said that her ghost walks the mezzanine and every so often peers over the railing and surveys the steep drop to the lobby. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Tokeland hotel is famous for its spectral presence. The ghost of a Chinese immigrant is believed to haunt the hotel. He has been known to throw dishes and to spin himself into a frenzy. Other guests at the inn have claimed to encounter a ghost cat. However, the most haunted room of the entire inn is believed to be room 7. It has been said that a long forgotten murder occurred within... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Sorrento hotel is a popular site for ghost hunters and enthusiasts alike. The ghost of a young woman named Alice B. Toklas, is believed to haunt the fourth floor. Alice has become a beloved feature of the hotel, the bar even named a drink after her. Alice has a particular affinity for room 408. Flashing lights, disembodied footsteps and moving drinks are the calling cards of this... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Former governess Ms. Beanning left her ashes to be displayed on the mantle of the resort. Her spirit resided comfortable until the new owners removed her urn and put it in the family crypt. Since the removal of her ashes, Ms. Beanning's spirit has been disturbed. She is known to retaliate against the new family by playing pranks. Ms. Beanning will re-light candles after they have been... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Stephen King's film "Rose Red" was shot at this inn. Evidently the film's paranormal activity rubbed off on the inn. Guests and employees claim apparitions and strange lights have appeared at the inn. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Thunderbird in is haunted by a disturbed spirit, one who haunts a particular room. The spirit is known to flash light bulbs on and off and to play with the electricity. One guest in particular was shocked when the radio stopped playing music and emitted a scratching, static sound. Door nobs have been known to rattle and doors slam open and closed. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Several generations of the Starrett family lived within this mansion. It is believed that family members visit from the afterlife. Guests and staff have sighted a red haired woman on the staircase and wandering throughout the hotel. She is believed to be Ann Starrett or one of her descendants. Ann is often accompanied by a male apparition which has been theorized to be her husband,... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Throughout the Water Street hotel's history there have been countless visitors and three documented deaths. According to legend, the ghosts of the dead haunt the hotel. Guests have claimed to see men in top hats walking the halls at night. However, when anyone approaches the men, they disappear through the walls. Other guests have documented paranormal activity, displaying photographs... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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When hotel Almira was being rebuilt in 1917 it housed workers for a nearby dam project. According to legend the ghosts of these workers remain at the hotel and apparitions of men in work clothes can be seen in the basement and on the staircase. Room twenty one is particularly haunted and is seldom rented out. There have been reports of knocking, voices and disembodied footsteps... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Due to this building's complicated history, it holds a wide variety of ghosts. The hotel has been an indoor swimming pool, a boxing stadium, a KKK meeting place and a church. When the church was being transformed into a hotel, construction workers noted that their tools would disappear and appear in strange locations. There were also splashing sounds coming from within the walls and wet... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 9
A benevolent ghost named Beverley resides at Lake Qinault Lodge. In life, Beverly worked as a housekeeper who was burned to death when the attic caught fire. Her spirit continues to wander the lodge, opening windows whenever she pleases. However, she has been reported to throw glasses and silverware on occasion. Guests and staff believe Beverly's presence is most powerful in the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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According to legend, the Orcas hotel is haunted by a former innkeeper named Octavia. Octavia is known to turn faucets on and off and her footsteps can be heard walking about the upper floors. Some guests have even seen an apparition of a woman in an old fashioned dress while others have heard an infant's cries coming from inside the walls. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Paradise Inn has become a popular destination for mountain hikers and tourists alike. It is believed that the ghosts of those who lost their lives on Mount Rainier reside at this resort. Guests at the hotel report a feeling of being watched by an unseen presence. Even the staff has voiced their certainty of a spectral presence. The sound of furniture scraping the floor and hushed... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The ghosts at this resort have proven to be popular among the guests. In fact, visitors who stay in rooms 101 and 105 are encouraged to document their haunted experience in the journal provided by the hotel. Guests have documented bizarre occurrences such as the furniture rearranging on its own, TVs turning on and off, rocking chairs that rock themselves and whispering in customer's... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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According to legend a young woman residing in the house hanged herself after hearing of her lover's death. The story she heard turned out to be untrue, and when her lover discovered her body, he killed himself out of grief. Room 9 is believed to be the location of this double suicide. The ghost of the young woman continues to haunt this inn even while the building is closed for... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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It has been a long time since Hotel Andra was called the Claremont Hotel, but the ghosts of the building are still partying as if it's the 1920's. Guests at Hotel Andra often complain of loud jazz music, booming voices and breaking glasses i.e. the sounds of a raucous party. Much of this noise is located on the 9th floor but there is also curious activity in the lobby. A paperweight has... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Although the Skykomish hotel is no longer in operation, its haunted history lives on. According to legend, this former bed & breakfast hosted a ghost named, the Blue Lady. The Blue Lady was believed to be a prostitute who was murdered by a jealous boyfriend. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This former brothel has been estimated to house as many as ten spirits, the most famous of which is the blue lady. Her portrait is featured at the top of the stairs. The blue lady inhabits rooms three and four, but she is also known to wander about the hotel. Guests are alerted to her presence by the smell of perfume. Guests that stay in rooms three and four reported that their beds... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Cooney Mansion has become a popular location for ghost hunters. Since 1996 ghost hunters have frequented the mansion, hoping to interact with the spirits. The number of apparitions in this mansion varies, with some authorities claiming as many as seven spirits wander the premises. Investigators report that doors would shut on their own and the crew could hear footsteps behind them.... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Shelburne Inn has been haunted for decades by the man who built the inn. Due to an accident Charles' mobility decreased and many of his work duties fell upon his family. It is believed that he still wanders the hotel, seemingly searching for someone. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Mirabeau Park Hotel is haunted by multiple ghosts. There is one room in particular that employees are hesitant to enter. It is believed the spirit of a guest who committed suicide, remains in the room. Maids and waitstaff are have frequent interactions with another apparition. They are continually asked to bring a friendly gentleman some towels, but he always disappears before they... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Throughout the history of this hotel and bar, multiple murders have occurred. It is believed that the ghosts of the deceased still wander the premises. Employees and guests have claimed to hear voices and see spectral images throughout the building. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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According to legend, an apparition of an older woman wanders the inn. There have also been reports of girlish laughter and sometimes guests find indentations on their bed, left by ghostly visitors. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This haunted inn features a musical talent from another world. This friendly ghost is known to treat guests with his piano playing abilities. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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In Manresa castle, the two rooms with the highest paranormal activity are rooms 306 and 302. According to legend, in room 306 a young woman named Kate threw herself from the bedroom window after hearing of her lover's death. In her old room, lights flicker and the TV turns on and off. In room 302 resides the spirit of a monk who hanged himself in the bell tower. Guests claim to hear... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Castles
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On the upper floor of the building resides the ghost of a young girl with red hair and a pink shirt. According to legend she was murdered by her mother. The little girl attempts to push people down the stairs, but to no avail. She has also been known to shout, “The bad woman’s gonna hurt me!” and “Turn around, the bad woman will hurt you!” Those who are not fortunate enough to encounter... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The vivacious spirit of Alice Rheem, the wife of the former owner haunts this hotel. In life Alice was known for exhibiting what was considered wild behavior for the 1920's. Alice is remembered for playing cards with young men, wearing a red dress and riding motorcycles. She also had a tendency to drink and attended festivities. Her drunken, high-heeled footsteps often echoed within the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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In the past, prominent figures have been known to settle down at this hotel. Among the most famous guests is Theodore Roosevelt. An unnamed ghost also haunts the halls of this hotel. Although her identity is unknown, she has made her presence known among the guests and she has become a fixture of this hotel. In the woods outside the hotel, lies the McMillin mausoleum. It is said that a... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Stanwood hotel and saloon's haunted reputation is well known among the community and neighboring towns. In a single year, ten paranormal investigations occurred at the hotel. Footsteps can be heard on the upper levels when no one is around, and an apparition of a woman has been known to appear before guests and staff. One time surveillance tape caught the image of a hazy cloud... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging