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Walker-Ames House - Port Gamble WA Real Haunted Places

  • 32340 Rainier Ave NE
  • Port Gamble, WA
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Real Haunted Houses
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The Walker-Ames house has become famous among the community for its paranormal activity. The house has been the focus of paranormal investigations since the 1950's. It has been the subject of an episode of TV's "My Ghost Story," the setting of both "ZMD: Zombie of Mass Destruction," the young adult Empty Coffin series and the psychological thriller, Squatter. The basement of the house is believed to be particularly haunted. One crew member emerged from the darkness with a dusty handprint on her leg. She claimed to have been grabbed while downstairs. Pedestrians have spotted the apparitions of three small children in the upstairs windows. The attic lights also flicker on and off when no one is home. The house overall emits an ominous sense of dread. Organized tours of the house are available for ghost enthusiasts.
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  • too many people

    It wasn’t even fun it was like a loud bar nobody could hear anything it was like nobody had any respect for the spirits no wonder they didn’t want us there I wish there would of people and Pete took it more seriously

    Posted 11/27/24

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  • The Walker Ames tour

    We went two weeks ago, and there were so many people that it was ridiculous nobody would be quiet. It was way too many people it was just don’t even fun completely dark which should be but it was like a crowded house. Not sure if that’s why no one got anything or if it was just too many people we won’t go there again unless there’s just a few people that can concentrate on what’s really going on without other noise

    Posted 11/24/24

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • My investigation

    Eight years ago I was apart of Tacoma paranormal society. Our group investigated this house. We had doors slam on us that were being held open with heavy weights, one guy became very dizzy and nauseated, furniture moving around up stairs. We had all of out experienced recorded. So yes I 100% know this place is haunted.

    Posted 5/2/21

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  • Run down and dirty. Take those Christmas items down already!

    Wow, this is really run down with must and dirt and garbage. It needs a good scrubbing and a lot of restoration. Outside is lovely.

    Posted 8/9/20

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  • excellent tour

    good information on the tour. We really enjoyed the experience and would like to go back. No strange things happened on our particular tour, but I don't doubt for a second this residence is haunted. Thanks Pete

    Posted 1/17/20

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    4 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 12,134
Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3209 days ago)

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