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Maltby Cemetery - Real Haunted Place

  • 4303 Maltby Rd
  • Bothell, WA
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Within the cemetery is a set of stairs that are believed to lead to the underground crypt of a wealthy family. Thrill seekers who have made it to the bottom of the stairs claim to have had a vision of hell when they turned around. Other visitors to the cemetery have encountered apparitions of women and children wearing tattered and ragged clothing.
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    Went there about 2004 at night but couldn’t find it so I went back in the day with two friends. There were headstones in some trees and a house near it. We looked around a Few minutes then a man came out of the home to yell at us. He said we were tresspassing. He said the headstones were his wives family and told us not to come back. When we got back down the trail he was waiting in his truck, he didn’t get out, just watched as we left. At no time did it seem creepy. I think the whole place is blown out of proportion. I think people are just susceptible to being scared in the woods and in cemeteries. So when you put them together you get blown up stories and myths.

    Posted 1/13/25

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  • Mid-90’s

    Went up there with 5-6 people one late morning, my group of friends had been sneaking in off and on throughout the years. We all lived in one of the neighborhoods within walking distance. This late morning using the back entrance that had a gate that led you to where the houses were on the right the gravestones the left. Myself and one other friend witnessed one open casket with a group of people standing around it. They were dressed in black and stared at us without saying a word, next thing I know my friend who saw them looked at me and he mouthed the words run. I looked over and there was a black lab snarling at us we ran the dog never hurt us but chased us out back the way we came and never crossed the gate we entered through.

    Posted 8/7/24

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  • Buried and Gone

    I used to go back in the 90s. They filled it up with concrete so you cannot go down the stairs anymore. That being said, we went in 97 and walked through the cemetery and read some of the burial stones. One that we stopped to read belonged to a young child that died at 2 years old or so…. on the way back out (10mins later) there was a fresh red rose sitting on it which wasn’t there when we walked passed the first time. This was around 2am so I don’t imagine anyone was out visiting their dead relatives…

    Posted 8/14/23

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  • 13 steps to hell

    In all honesty I have not been there yet, But my mother wants me to go to get over my fear of feeling something is always in the shadows. She is related to Salem witches and has had paranormal experiences her entire life. I would just like to know is it actually that scary. Please contact me at 425-659-6266 with information.

    Posted 4/9/23

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  • H

    Another of crazy shit went on there. I've been going there from 98-04. I would recommend going at least once.

    Posted 2/1/21

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  • holy sh1t balls


    Posted 11/27/20

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  • Steps no longer there

    The steps were buried many eyars ago and they strictly enforce against trespassing.

    Posted 10/8/19

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    12 out of 12 found this review helpful

  • In truth

    I have been here several times including Halloween night in early 90s. I just spoke with a guy who lived near by as a kid in 60s when really in its up and comming as far as Urban myths go. Truth about the steps is almost comical about how something can get blown out of proportion. They were like wooden railroad tracks that led into woods that led back to road. You can still see trail they were on. They lead to nowhere. There was never any wealthy plot owner that went under ground lol. And there was a story it was on Ripplys believe it or not and in search of, supposedly doccumented as second most haunted graveyard in world or some such? I have looked for years can find no evidence of truth to that anywhere??? That title belongs to Stull Cemetry in Lawrence Kansas. Slash of Guns and Roses did movie based off their urban myths.those urban myths are strikingly simmilar to Maltby if you read stories. That had a stairway to hell as well. I guess the fact that satans wearwold son being burried there would take the cake of maltbys humble stories ;) It did however historically have church that burned down on the property of original settlers. As far as ghost kids and all the other hype i think that it is all subjective and chemicals play a huge role in many so called paranormal experiences there ;). How ever what is truelly spooky is paradise lk road. The road that this cemetry is off of, has crosses all over the place from poor souls who have lost their life on the road. So if you do try this place drive very carefully!! Make of it what you will. By the way this place has huge generation lineage. As parents partied there when i was a kid. As did the guy who i was talking to today.

    Posted 8/11/17

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  • Scary at Night..........

    a bunch of us kids from Continuation High School went there along time ago back in 1975/76/77 on of those years. It was at night. We took the back road there. It was scary as hell. We stayed out there for awhile. Never again. Wouldn't go back again.

    Posted 4/17/17

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    9 out of 9 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3187 days ago)

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