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Starvation Heights - Olalla WA Real Haunted Place

  • 13182 Banner Rd SE
  • Olalla, WA
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A century after the sanitarium's operation and the ghosts of murdered patients still haunt the premises. During the 1900's Linda Burfield Hazzard posed as a doctor and treated patients through extreme starvation. Hazzard's treatment resulted in the death of over a dozen individuals. The spirits of her victims, particularly two boys named Jeff and Kyle are believed to haunt the grounds. Although the sanitarium is no longer standing, the concrete foundation and incinerator remains. Starvation Heights possesses a history that has not failed to capture national attention. The story of Starvation heights was profiled for the TV show "Deadly Women" and was featured on Ghost Hunters. The tragedy of this house has also been turned into a book and a play.
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  • A dozen that you know of…

    As a young man attending SKHS my dad purchased an old farmhouse out in Olalla. We lived there for several years and got to know most of the locals. I walked those woods and rode dirt bikes through them on several occasions. One of my dogs (red Doberman) went missing. I searched and searched for him and found myself deep in an area we hadn’t been before. In this particular spot there were many fir trees large fir trees I found to be very odd. Not the trees themselves but how the trees were arranged. These I would say 3rd growth trees had not grown randomly like you would find in nature. These trees had been planted in a straight line as far as my eye could see… I asked a neighbor who lived in the old schoolhouse / church about this and she said that’s where they buried the dead from the sanitarium. She went on to tell me more about past and the house we lived in. It served as for lack of a better term a hospital for the sanitarium for the weak and very ill. This would explain several instances of paranormal activity I witnessed firsthand. Thank you Opal for all the history you shared with me.

    Posted 9/15/24

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  • Olalla is haunted.

    I used to live a couple miles from Starvation Heights, in the thick of the woods in Olalla. I lived in a two story home which was inhabited by a family member who had been deceased for some time. She frequently visited the upstairs. At one point I had a few band members over for practice and deliberately withheld my knowledge of the ghost. After practice, my guitarist pulled me aside and asked me if there was a spirit - because someone kept tapping on his shoulder. Mind you, my bandmates are not superstitious and are pretty skeptical of the paranormal. I’ve heard many strange things in the woods by starvation heights and there is a heavy, uneasy feeling in the woods of Olalla. It feels angry, not quite menacing - but there is a lingering feeling of uneasiness about the place. Starvation Heights itself has a long history and I have never personally experienced anything there since I refuse to get too close. I can almost guarantee there is a high level of paranormal activity in the area, though.

    Posted 7/17/23

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  • Won't You Be My Neighbor?

    Well, I think at this point, I can top all of you...I live NEXT DOOR to Starvation Heights, for almost a year now. I had heard about the Tragic Story years ago and had even driven out here to try to get a peek at the old house, but never imagined, some day I would be living 100 feet away from where it all took place!!! Ok, obviously, you want to know if anything odd or paranormal has occurred while I've been here, right? Not exactly. Personally, I've had several paranormal experiences, in three separate States across the U.S. throughout my lifetime, several in Kitsap Co. (apparitions, poltergeists, disembodied voices, premanitions, etc.) Perhaps I am more receptive than most, however, I would be a huge skeptic, otherwise, if I hadn't had my first experience as a young girl, in NY. With that said, Yes, I had one very odd thing happen. Shortly after moving here, I downloaded two different "Ghost Finder" apps on my phone. One was an EVP, the other would say random words, more like a "Spirit Box", which allows communication. A few minutes into my session, the meter was going off, rather intensely, always pointing in the direction of my neighbors property. I asked a series of questions with the final one specifically asking if these were spirits from next door. I refrained from using the term Starvation Heights, because: it seemed disrespectful, as it was not called that until years later, after so many innocent people had to suffer and die a horribly painful slow death, which none had knowingly signed up for. Anyway, this is what the voice said...(mind you, I did not give any information, no location, and no reference to what went on there) , it typed the words "FEED THEM" then it gave me a few names, for which I still have to look up to see if any of them were names of the victims. Can you believe that? FEED THEM???I MY Landlord, told me years ago, they had to have hire Paranormal Investigators to come out here and send several children's spirits to the "other side". She and her family would often here children's laughter and running footsteps in the middle of the night This may have been the residual energies of the victims of a plague that wiped out the impoverished families living on the hill back before Linda Hazard had even set up shop. Many of their tiny graves can still be located at the abandoned cemetery around the corner, as well as some of the victims of Starvation Heights. It is rumored, that many of the 40+ victims were never even given a proper burial, but rather dumped out back into the canyon which is right behind us. Hmm...that's comforting to know! Thanks for reading my post! Just a little "Food for Thought"!!

    Posted 7/20/18

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  • Starvation heights cemetery

    I've been visiting this cemetery for twenty five years. It is beautiful and peaceful, actually, I go there to meditate. I've even brought my Tibetan singing bowls and the energy is always high frequency. Nothing scary or creepy at all. In the 1990's I used LSD there on a multitude of occasions and always had I nice experience. Thinking about visiting it today, that's how I found this website.

    Posted 5/12/18

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  • Stuff

    I live in Olalla really close to starvation heights. Every night or if I'm home alone I'll hear what sounds like screams, scratching on the outside walls of the house, footsteps outside the house, and I've seen figures walking around in the yard or at the sides of the road while driving at night. Though I've never personally been there I've read alot about it as well as heard about it.

    Posted 2/1/18

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    10 out of 12 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3209 days ago)

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