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Old Tacoma City Hall - Tacoma WA Real Haunts

  • 625 Commerce Street
  • Tacoma, WA
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The spirits of city hall are renowned for playing pranks on the workers of the building. Employees are locked out of their offices and objects are hurled through the air. The bell tower in particular is haunted by a mysterious soul. This spirit sporadically rings the bell, sometimes at night and other times in the early morning hours. Security guards have reported unusual activity including sightings of a shadowy figure outside of the former council chamber. Some witnesses have even heard coughing when no one is around. The Tacoma ghost has caused victims to alert the police of an intruder, only for no evidence to be found.
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  • Old city hall working at night.

    I was the security guard that worked there in 1978. I had to call the police twice one night. Only officer Ortiz believed me, because he noticed the elevator changed floors even though we had them locked. My Mother also had a hoagie shop there.

    Posted 8/16/23

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  • Very cool adventure

    In early fall of what must have been 2008 a few friends and I had been out at a bar at about midnight and then we walked and happened upon the Pacific Ave entrance to Old City Hall. It was unlocked so we entered. Each area we came upon we were able to continue to move through the building freely and ended up exploring the entire building, including an upper floor that had a huge open and empty safe in the middle of the room, an interesting apartment behind the windows under the clock in the tower. There were pantry food items in the cabinet and an old rotary phone with a live dial tone. We even made it onto a roof area out a glass window/greenhouse type structure. All of this was quite an adventure and so much fun. I wasn't conscious of anything particularly "haunted" feeling at all until we reached the gear room of the clock tower. Above the apartment you climb steps into the gear room with a metal staircase hugging the brick walls. It was in this room that I was overwhelmed by spirit energy and as I climbed the steps my hand touched the brick wall and a strong flash of energy shot through me. I looked behind me to my friend and instructed her not to touch the walls. I can't specify what kind of energy was in there but too this day I wonder if there had ever been someone hanged in that gear room. Whether by suicide or execution I'm not sure but I'm dying to know if there are any stories about this room or the history of who worked in that building and who kay have died there. Above the gear room is open air where the bells are located, with netted/chicken wire covering the open brick features... the random urban adventuring and paranormal experience is one of my favorite experiences

    Posted 6/21/20

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Very cool adventure

    In early fall of what must have been 2008 a few friends and I had been out at a bar at about midnight and then we walked and happened upon the Pacific Ave entrance to Old City Hall. It was unlocked so we entered. Each area we came upon we were able to continue to move through the building freely and ended up exploring the entire building, including an upper floor that had a huge open and empty safe in the middle of the room, an interesting apartment behind the windows under the clock in the tower. There were pantry food items in the cabinet and an old rotary phone with a live dial tone. We even made it onto a roof area out a glass window/greenhouse type structure. All of this was quite an adventure and so much fun. I wasn't conscious of anything particularly "haunted" feeling at all the gear room of the clock tower. Above the apartment you climb steps into the gear room with a metal staircase hugging the brick walls. It was in this room that I was overwhelmed by spirit energy and as I climbed the steps my hand touched the brick wall and a strong flash of energy shot through me. I looked behind me to my friend and instructed her not to touch the walls. I can't specify what kind of energy was in there but too this day I wonder if there had ever been someone hanged in that gear room. Whether by suicide or execution I'm not sure but I'm dying to know if there are any stories about this room or the history of who worked in that building and who kay have died there. Above the gear room is open air where the bells are located, with netted/chicken wire covering the open brick features... the random urban adventuring and paranormal experience is one of my favorite experiences

    Posted 6/21/20

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  • The falling man

    My friend and I went on a ghost tour in Tacoma. We went by the Town Hall and stopped so they could tell there story. I looked at the top where the bell was and kept seeing over and over a man falling or jumping from the top. It was very disturbing.

    Posted 5/31/20

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3206 days ago)

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