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Rothschild House Museum - Real Port Townsend Haunt

  • 418 Taylor Street
  • Port Townsend, WA
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Real Haunted Museums
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Before the Rothschild manor was turned into a museum, the family had lived there for generations. According to legend the ghosts of family members refuse to give up their home and haunt the museum. Visitors report doors slamming, cold spots and the appearance of a melancholic shadowy figure. It has been postulated that this figure is the ghost of a family member who once committed suicide nearby the house.
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  • Felt an overwhelming presence.

    My husband and I visited the Rothchild House on our honeymoon in October of 1993. When I went upstairs and stopped to look in the first bedroom, I was suddenly overcome by a tingling, dizzy feeling and shortness of breath. I almost passed out and at the same time felt sheer fear. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that what I felt was a presence. It was just something I knew. Since that time, I have periodically done internet searches to see if anyone else has reported getting a similar feeling in the house. Now, 25 years later, I found this website saying the house is persumed haunted. This is something I knew 25 years ago, but only now, have found others talking about it.

    Posted 10/3/18

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,940
Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3184 days ago)

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