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Billy's Bar and Grill Restaurant - Aberdeen WA Real Haunted Place

  • 322 E Heron St
  • Aberdeen, WA
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  (2 reviews)
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Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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Billy's Bar and Grill Restaurant claims to possess the ghost of infamous serial killer, Billy Gohl. During his time as a bartender, Ghol was suspected of murdering one hundred individuals, mostly sailors who had stopped by for a drink. After pilfering their money, Ghol would dump the bodies in the harbor. According to legend Ghol waits behind the restaurant bar and scans for his next victim. Patrons have often complained of cold spots and an indescribable feeling of being watched. Shot glasses have been known to move on their own and every once and a while an apparition of a sailor appears.
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  • Worked in the kitchen for 5 years

    During my time all kinds of things would happen, plates flying, syrup bottles being flung off the top of shelves towards servers, knowing you could see a head peeking around the corner out of your peripheral but nothing there when you'd turn your gaze. Many paranormal investigators came through as well and would consistently catch old timey ghosts wearing early 1900s clothing. Worth a visit.

    Posted 8/16/22

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  • For sure haunted, not super spooky though.

    I was cast in a show at a theatre in Aberdeen, and after rehearsal me and a few of my cast mates would go there for dinner. The first few times when strange things happened, we just brushed them off as nothing. But after a while and learning more of the history, it became just a fun thing to have dinner with the ghosts. I remember going to the bathroom and finding our plates all mixed up when we returned, and more then one occasion me or one of the others would hear our name being called, only for it to be no one. Kinda like to think we made friends with then ghosts after a while, they all seemed pretty friendly to me!

    Posted 8/17/20

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Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3184 days ago)

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